Stay Informed

The CUPE Nova Scotia Contracting out and Privatization (COP) Committee is committed to helping all CUPE locals of Nova Scotia fight against any attempts of contracting out or privatization of the public services of Nova Scotia. The best way to prevent this is by having you and your members become educated on COP. CUPE provides education material on the matter, if you click on either of the pictures below you will download the associated CUPE booklets

other-page-001bld-eng-fullReading booklets like these, published by CUPE, will help to keep you and your local informed on how to fight against Privatization and the expansion of P3’s in our public system. You can also fight Privatization at the bargaining table and CUPE is here to help you.

Privatization affects us all! We don’t want to see our public services sold off to private for-profit companies, who will never reinvest their earnings back into in the community. Public serviles provide the best means of delivering excellent services while also paying a living wage. This money gets reinvested back into our communities through spending at local businesses.

In Solidarity,